Synchronization License (1 Year)

Synchronization License for Streaming a Concert for One Month.

License #42844


AGREEMENT made and entered into on the date above between EXCELCIA MUSIC PUBLISHING, LLC ("LICENSOR") and NAME ENTERED BELOW ("LICENSEE").

1.OWNERSHIP AND COMPOSITIONS: LINCENSOR warrants and represents that it is the owner of a valid United States copyright in the following musical compositions:

2.LICENSE: LICENSOR grants to LICENSEE the non-exclusive right, privilege and license, to perform the Composition live and stream the performance over electronic means, such as YouTube, Facebook or other such services. This license is granted for a limited time of one year. The streaming of this performance after the date of this license is prohibited without a new separate license being secured. The date of this performance/stream will begin on:

MM slash DD slash YYYY

3. ROYALTY: For such usage, the LICENSOR agrees to pay a flat fee that is based on the type of ensemble listed below.

4. ACCOUNTING:  LICENSEE shall render to Licensor payment of the applicable fee listed below. The license will not be valued until the fee is received.

5. All other rights not expressed herein are reserved to the LICENSOR of the WORK(s).

6. TERM: This license shall be in effect for the date of the performance/stream for one year only.

7.EFFECTIVE LAW:  This agreement shall be construed in accordance to the laws of the State of Florida.

Type of Ensemble/Fee Type(Required)


Larry Clark
